“Words from Jan” (Jan Miller, President, CAH) addressed the need for CAH to explore change in the May 2013 Newsletter. All of us at CAH believe the time for change is now. CAH will continue providing the services victim’s families have come to expect. Additionally, a high priority will be placed on “Domestic Violence”, as it is too often a prelude to murder. We will also be developing presentations on “Law
Enforcement/Victim Relations and becoming more involved with other victim advocacy groups; occasionally attending meetings and making presentations when requested. The main focus here is “common goal”. Finally, we will be utilizing the social media for increased exposure of the many unsolved murders CAH is involved with.
In order to expand our services and activities, we need additional financial support. A longtime member of our CAH family has generously offered to match any donation (corporate or private) received during the months beginning September 15, 2013 through January 15, 2014.
In order to share the progress, we will be providing an update of total donations received in each newsletter.
Please help by sending your donation today. Any denomination will help.
Visit the CAH Store for donation options www.citizensagainsthomicide.org.