It’s beyond unconscionable that Newsom coddles the worst human beings imaginable while arrogantly dismissing the victims, their survivors and the majority of California voters. For the full story view the July Newsletter.
We have just been informed by the California Department of Corrections that Scott Fizzell has declined his hearing and it will now be delayed for 2 years. We don’t know why. Thank you for your support. In 2 years we will be doing this again, so hang on to the...
Christina ann alexander Karlsen June 19, 1960–January 1, 1991 levi h. Karlsen February 3, 1985–November 20, 2008 Perpetual Evil By Shellie Cervantes I will never forget Christina. She and her father, Art Alexander, would frequent the small office supply business my...
Molly Marie Young – April 15, 1990–March 24, 2012 Three words to describe Molly Marie Young would be unique, compassionate, and talented. Molly had a great passion for the arts. She loved photography, music, and films. She had a fun whimsical side to her...